Friday, December 23, 2016

Prayers and Answered Prayers

Prayer is an abstract concept for some. Some people think it’s about having just the right words, some think it’s about memorizing scripts and reciting them, some think it’s only something for super holy people. We claim prayer is simply conversation with God, but don’t often truly teach or model that. This journal can help!

Book: Prayers and Answered Prayers, Tommy Nelson Publishers, 2016

Genre: Journal/Nonfiction
Target Audience: Girls 9-13
Subjects: Prayer
Summary/Notes: Written as sort of two books, this journal has 2 flaps for each day. It is supposedly formatted according to prayers and then recording answers, but it’s not. It’s simply two ways to interact with God each day. For example: one of the days has you circle countries you would like to visit for the “prayer” section. Then the answered prayer section has you thank God for places you have visited and pray for people in countries you would like to visit. One day has you doodle what you like best about your parents for the prayer section, then look up a verse about God being our Father and try to memorize it. So it definitely is not a “pray for something specific, then come back and record it when you see that prayer answered” type of journal. It’s simply using writing and doodling to get young girls to tell God about all sorts of different things in their life. There isn’t a ton of Scripture focus – mostly just thinking – but some days do have kids looking up verses. If used the way it is intended to, it can definitely strengthen a young girl’s prayer life – get her used to talking to God about everything that goes on. It will help erase the idea that one has to get just the perfect words to talk to God. I highly recommend it for that purpose.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi

1 Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray continually.

Ephesians 6:18 – And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

Thank you to BookLook for providing me with a free review copy of this book. All opinions are my own. 

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