Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wait For Me - Trapped by regrets

“We need to make a decision, Jess,” Ned said.
“I know!” She drew in a hard breath. “I know, okay? But if we go, Shae could die. And if we stay…”
“We could all die of exposure. Not to mention I’m still bleeding, aren’t I?”
Her mouth tightened. She gave a sharp nod.
“You could go,”” he said softly.
“That’s a great way for us all to die. I don’t have a compass or a map and I’ve never been a pro at navigation. Wilderness medicine, yes. Bringing us home…well, that’s always been Pete’s job.”

“I just…” She covered her face with her hands. “I’m scared, okay?” She looked up. “I just want…” To be rescued. For everyone to live. For Pete to show up and tell her it wasn’t too late.

Book: Wait For Me by Susan May Warren, Revell Publishers, 2018
Genre: Realistic Fiction/Adventure
Target Audience: Adult Women
Subjects: Wisdom, Trust, Sacrificial Love, Dating Relationships, Guilt
Summary: She should have never come home. This was just the latest in a series of stupid mistakes he’d made. She was just going to hurt someone else. Why was he stuck here when he needed to be out there?
Regrets. That’s the theme of the latest book in the Montana Rescue series. Shae has finally come home, Jess finally came back for Pete. Ned finally came for Shae. And somehow the results lead to Shae, Ned and Jess being kidnapped, injured and lost in the wilderness somewhere with an unknown enemy after them while Pete is thrown in a jail cell! This is absolutely not what any of them envisioned. There’s so much more than just the struggle to escape the wilderness alive. There’s the struggle to decide how much to trust someone who has hurt you. There’s the struggle to decide what is best for someone else. And there’s the struggle to decide if they will let their regrets keep them from rescuing the love they thought was lost.
Notes: Wait For Me is the 7th and final book in the Montana Rescue series (including the prequel). The series began with Esme Shaw (Shae)’s disappearance and her uncle’s frantic attempts to find her, attempts that included forming the PEAK Rescue Team. Each book of the series has told the story of someone on the team and gotten us closer to finally learning Shae’s story and seeing how the case that first formed the team, resolves. Wait For Me tells the story of 4 characters wrestling with regret. Jess left Montana for the life she had before a disaster sent her running from home. Pete has been pursuing her but a series of misunderstandings led to wrong conclusions and a lot of hurt and pain on both sides. Now she has shown back up in Montana to give Pete one more chance. At least, she thinks she has. Her mom and fiancĂ©e from her old life are causing her to be unsure. And Pete has lost patience with her doubts. He’s to blame anyway. He’s confident that he deserves to lose Jess, deserves nothing good in his life. Shae is tired of hurting people. Ned needs to leave now before he’s added to the list of lives she has destroyed – starting with her mother upon Shae’s birth. She just wants to be safe! Ned just wants to be a hero for once. He’s sick of being the one who failed, the brother who stayed on the farm instead of joining some branch of the military and saving the world. But all he does is fail and now the woman he loves is in a mess and he can’t figure out how to rescue her. Each character has to take these doubts and regrets to the God they profess to follow and let Him answer their questions. Each one has to come to a point of praying, “God save, us not because we deserve it, but because You love us”.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi

Psalm 44:26 –Rise up and help us; rescue us because of your unfailing love.

Bonus: Here's a song to go with this book:

'Thank you to the publishers for providing me with a free review copy of the book. The review reflects my own thoughts and opinions.