Arrested. Tortured. Martyred. Burned at the stake. I read an article the other day discussing how so many people gave up their lives fighting for our right to have the Bible in our own language. It also discussed how the latest studies show that only a small percentage of Americans actually read the Bible. We don’t know how to discern truth from lies because we’re not reading and studying the truth for ourselves. We just trust that whatever our pastor is saying or whatever nice “Christian” thought we see on facebook must be true. It’s not because we don’t have a Bible available to us. It’s because we choose to not read it. So this post comes with a challenge: don’t let those martyrs’ sacrifices be in vain. Open up your Bible and read God’s Word for yourself – as many days a week as you can!

Some might question giving a journaling Bible to children, but children take their Bibles to Sunday School, mid-week programs, camp, and some even have Bible studies or study time in their homes. They can write notes on the lessons they are learning. I have sent through plenty of messages for children that include things children could write down in their Bibles. I personally think that while study Bibles are great, turning your own Bible into a study Bible is even better! I have notes in my Bible from the time I was a child! (They were copied from a previous Bible and this Bible has been rebound after falling apart, but they are still notes from childhood and teen years.) If I had children, I would strongly, strongly consider giving them a journaling Bible – and teaching them how to use it!
This Bible,
NIrV, 2014 is a Bible meant to appeal to boys or girls with a chalkboard
drawing style cover. It includes over 300 devotions. The advantage of these
devotions is that they really push the kids to be reading their Bibles. Each
devotion begins with a passage the kids are supposed to read. Then there’s the
short devotion. It concludes with a suggested other reference to look up to further
the lesson. That’s the weekday devotions. The Saturday and Sunday devotions are
combined into one, but still have separate reading assignments for each day.
They also include an activity to do. Each devotion even has a little box to
check to say you’ve read the devotion.
Should you
mark up a book? We get told from the time we are young to not draw or write in
a book! Treat books with respect! Especially library books! Then we reach
college and learn that it’s an advantage to buy a used textbook that someone
else has highlighted – it saves you the trouble of trying to find the main
points or the answers to a test question! But Bibles? Aren’t they sacred? Don’t
they need to be sat on an altar on display or something? Actually, there’s a
great quote that says “A Bible that is falling apart is the sign of a life that
is not.” And Bibles have started to take a direction to specifically encourage
us to mark in them! Some of the latest Bibles for children and teens are no
exception to the rule. Like all good business companies, the publishing
companies of Bibles know how to follow trends. The latest Bibles sent to me for
review are examples of the benefit of following trends though!
The Plans I Have For You Holy Bible
This Bible is another NIV, 2011 children's Bible. It is targeted at elementary aged children - from kids old enough to read to about 6th or 7th grade.
This Bible contains various insert pages written by the author of The Plans I Have For You (Amy Parker). These show how God had big plans for the characters in the Bible and then apply it to kids' lives today - how God has big plans for them. For example: one of the "God's Big Plans" inserts focuses on how God had a plan for Esther and then at the end it says "Take some time to consider where God has placed you and why. Perhaps you have been chosen for such a time as this." Another example, a bit different, is for Psalm 37:4. It it entirely application focused since the verse isn't a story of a character. It discusses how learning more about God brings you true joy and how His desires become your desires.
The other insert found in this Bible is "Promise Prayers" - a verse and then a prayer written out for children to pray. For example, there is one for Proverbs 24:14, thanking God for wisdom and guidance and asking God to help "be loyal to the study of Your Word."
There are also 100 key verses highlighted in light blue.
The biggest criticism of this Bible is that there are no book introductions. It is clearly meant to be focused on application, not study. It doesn't explain or help children understand any of the context or culture.
The Investigator's Holy Bible
This Bible is an NIV, 2011 children's Bible. It is almost like a study Bible for kids. It is jam packed full of special features that help kids understand the Bible times, people, and places. Each book of the Bible is introduced with who wrote it, when it was written, what happens in it and a "best part" in the opinion of the fictional characters who are explaining all of it. There are "Breakthrough" sections where it explains answers to questions kids might have about the text such as "What is a genealogy" or "What does it mean when Jesus says 'Show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices'?" Another interesting element is "The Witness" sections where it explains the meaning of names and helps children understand a tiny bit about who characters were. "The Scene" sections tell about places mentioned in the Bible such as Mount Zion or Thessalonica or Sheba. It explains even what some of those places are called today. The final element added to this Bible is the "Case Closed" section where, at the end of every book of the Bible, they give a brief summary and an application challenge. It also includes 7 maps at the end of the Bible and a concordance with 2,474 word entries.
Overall, this seems to be a very good Bible to give children. It explains a lot of things, making sense out of parts that can be confusing to children. The only common children's Bible element I see missing from it is the highlighted memory verses. If this were my preferred translation, I would purchase a number of copies to be the giveaway Bibles for my Awana clubbers and campers.
The Holy Bible – Journal Edition – For Girls
This Bible is another NIV, 2011 children's Bible. It is targeted at elementary aged children - from kids old enough to read to about 6th or 7th grade.
This Bible contains various insert pages written by the author of The Plans I Have For You (Amy Parker). These show how God had big plans for the characters in the Bible and then apply it to kids' lives today - how God has big plans for them. For example: one of the "God's Big Plans" inserts focuses on how God had a plan for Esther and then at the end it says "Take some time to consider where God has placed you and why. Perhaps you have been chosen for such a time as this." Another example, a bit different, is for Psalm 37:4. It it entirely application focused since the verse isn't a story of a character. It discusses how learning more about God brings you true joy and how His desires become your desires.
The other insert found in this Bible is "Promise Prayers" - a verse and then a prayer written out for children to pray. For example, there is one for Proverbs 24:14, thanking God for wisdom and guidance and asking God to help "be loyal to the study of Your Word."
There are also 100 key verses highlighted in light blue.
The biggest criticism of this Bible is that there are no book introductions. It is clearly meant to be focused on application, not study. It doesn't explain or help children understand any of the context or culture.
The Investigator's Holy Bible
This Bible is an NIV, 2011 children's Bible. It is almost like a study Bible for kids. It is jam packed full of special features that help kids understand the Bible times, people, and places. Each book of the Bible is introduced with who wrote it, when it was written, what happens in it and a "best part" in the opinion of the fictional characters who are explaining all of it. There are "Breakthrough" sections where it explains answers to questions kids might have about the text such as "What is a genealogy" or "What does it mean when Jesus says 'Show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices'?" Another interesting element is "The Witness" sections where it explains the meaning of names and helps children understand a tiny bit about who characters were. "The Scene" sections tell about places mentioned in the Bible such as Mount Zion or Thessalonica or Sheba. It explains even what some of those places are called today. The final element added to this Bible is the "Case Closed" section where, at the end of every book of the Bible, they give a brief summary and an application challenge. It also includes 7 maps at the end of the Bible and a concordance with 2,474 word entries.
Overall, this seems to be a very good Bible to give children. It explains a lot of things, making sense out of parts that can be confusing to children. The only common children's Bible element I see missing from it is the highlighted memory verses. If this were my preferred translation, I would purchase a number of copies to be the giveaway Bibles for my Awana clubbers and campers.
The Holy Bible – Journal Edition – For Girls
This Bible,
NIV 2011, has no extra devotions of special features. What makes it so special
isn’t the pretty cover with a design that will appeal to girls of all ages or
the pretty pink elastic bookmark to help shut it. What makes it special is that
on every single page, there are a couple inches of extra margin on the side of
it with faint gray lines you can write notes on.

Some might question giving a journaling Bible to children, but children take their Bibles to Sunday School, mid-week programs, camp, and some even have Bible studies or study time in their homes. They can write notes on the lessons they are learning. I have sent through plenty of messages for children that include things children could write down in their Bibles. I personally think that while study Bibles are great, turning your own Bible into a study Bible is even better! I have notes in my Bible from the time I was a child! (They were copied from a previous Bible and this Bible has been rebound after falling apart, but they are still notes from childhood and teen years.) If I had children, I would strongly, strongly consider giving them a journaling Bible – and teaching them how to use it!
Published by Zonderkidz, 2016
This Bible,
NIV 2011 also lacks the special features or devotions. What makes it so unique
is that it has followed one of the biggest trends of 2016 – adult coloring
pages. Of course, you wouldn’t call the coloring pages in a children’s Bible “Adult”
coloring pages, but they are that same style – lots of small elements to color
in. There are about 50 coloring pages themed around a verse contained in the
Devotional Bible

Published by Zonderkidz, 2016

NKJV Color Code Bible

NIV, Adventure Bible, Hardcover, Full Color –
NIV, Faithgirlz Bible, Hardcover –
NIV, Big Dreams, Big Prayers Bible for Kids, Hardcover –
NIrV, Faith Builders Bible, Hardcover
NIV, Bible for Teen Girls, Imitation Leather, Blue: Growing in Faith, Hope, and Love
Well, the name kind of reveals most of what you need to know – the translation, the target gender and the target age. It’s actually designed in such a way that teens would
Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Thank you to the publishers for sending me a free review copy of 4 of
these in exchange for my honest opinion! I can’t wait to find some kids this
summer who need a Bible of their own and give one to them!
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