Thursday, January 28, 2016

I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God

“Have you ever tried to work a puzzle with pieces missing? How did you feel when you couldn’t finish that puzzle? Later, if you found the missing piece and finished the puzzle, how did you feel? When you finish a puzzle it is whole. The picture in the puzzle is how it should be. Peace is a feeling of being whole. God wants to fill in our missing pieces, make us whole and give us peace. One of God’s names in the Bible is The Lord Is Peace… Sometimes like Gideon we may have a problem that worries or frightens us. Maybe someone in your family is sick, or maybe you have a hard spelling test coming up, or maybe someone at your school is a bully. But because God is with you and helping you, you can have peace…

Book: I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God written by Diane Stortz, illustrated by Diane Le Feyer, Tommy Nelson, 2016

Genre: Storybook Bible
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 4-8
Subjects: Bible Stories, Names of God, Devotions, Prayers
Summary:  God is known to us by many many names. The Bible is jammed pack full of names of God. All throughout the Bible, when things happened to God’s people, they would identify God by a name that showed what He did for them. In getting to know God’s names better, children can learn more of God’s character.
Notes: Through the use of beautiful illustrations – including a cover that literally has sparkles on it, the author and illustrator tell the basic Bible stories we often teach to young children. However, these two take it quite a bit further. Instead of merely simplifying the stories and putting them in kid terms, it uses the stories to teach about the character of God. Each of the forty stories tells a story from the Bible in kid terms, uses that story to identify a name of God and then has a little devotion that makes the children think about the story they learned and how it applies to their life. Then it has a short prayer. Each story ends with a little bit more though – a Bible verse to ponder or memorize and a teaser for the next story that also bridges the gap that can occur between stories.
If you are looking for something a bit more than the typical toddler storybook Bibles, I highly recommend this book. I would compare it to The Jesus Storybook Bible but it’s even more than that. It actually can be used as a devotion book for young children. It’s a great resource!
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi

Psalm 9:10 – Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Thank you to the publishers for providing me with a free review copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion! I was delighted with it! The 4 year old I tested it on was thrilled with it. And her mom is adding it to her wish list of books to get her daughter.

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