And although
pushy wasn’t generally part of his personality, the service had taught him well
that aggression was a necessary evil in war. And make no mistake, this was war.
The misguided attraction that Cat OBryen wielded over him was way too dangerous
for a casual hobnobbing type of relationship. No, he was going to have to stay
on his guard in order to be the friend that Cat desperately needed, and he may
as well start right now. “I don’t have to ply with compliments to get my way,
Catfish,” he said in the no-nonsense tone he’d perfected in the service.
“I can just take
it because I’m bigger than you.”
“I never figured
you for a bully, Chase Griffin.”
“Yeah, me
neither, but I guess you bring out the best in me, Catherine Marie.”
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Target Audience: Adult Women
Subjects: Faith, Forgiveness,
Temptation, Friendship
Summary: She’s falling apart inside.
Her family knows it. They can see clearly the hurt, but Cat refuses to let
anyone help her. She’s bent on a course for self-destruction, claiming her need
and right to be independent, even while part of her knows she’s making things
worse for herself. Chase wants to help, longs to help, but he knows better than
to get into a relationship where he’s unequally yoked. He’s a pastor for
goodness sakes! He has no business pursuing romance with a woman trying her
hardest to run away from God. But God is exactly what Cat needs. Now Chase
merely needs to overcome his own fears long enough to resist the temptation of
a romance with or rejection of the most stubborn woman he’s ever met in his
life. But God (and chocolate) can do some mighty things when one surrenders!
Notes: His Steadfast Love is the
third in the Isle of Hope series. The series features three siblings and their
journey to love. Each book features one character who has either rejected their
faith or not had a faith to begin with, and one character with a very strong
faith who falls in love with the other one. There is also always a character
wrestling with forgiveness.
In His
Steadfast Love, Cat has to learn that God never rejected her or saw her as
inferior to her sister. As with all of Julie Lessman’s books, there is a lot of
passion – passion for God and passion for romance. Her characters are very
passionate in their romances, but they are equally passionate about their
faith. It is what drives them and is the standard they use to make their
decisions. A Christian who enjoys romance will be absolutely delighted with this
Spiritual Content
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
The steadfast
love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; They are new
every morning; great is your faithfulness. — Lamentations 3:22-23
Thank you to the
author for giving me a free e-book. I greatly enjoyed it!
All opinions are
my own.